Saturday, March 29, 2008

Just How Many Points is the Baking Chocolate in My Freezer Worth?

I usually hate Saturdays for 2 reasons. First, my husband is often either working or doing farm work which makes the day feel like an ordinary week day. Secondly, I often want to eat something sweet or indulge and its about this time that if I haven't cheated yet, I will.

But today feels different. I purchased a Weight Watchers calculator (the blue one) some time ago and it has sat in a drawer for quite a while. When I got home the other day, I dug it out of the drawer, entered my information to figure out how many points I can have a day, and have been using it ever since.

I went to the grocery store this morning and used the calculator to decide what snacks and foods to buy for myself. I was astonished with what I could get! To give you an idea of what I am eating, here's a sample: I'm supposed to eat a min. of 26 points and I am sticking to that. I was able to have 2 fat free hot dogs, on lite buns with a little relish, a reduced fat cheese stick, and a 100 calorie hostess snack cake pack for, get this: 6 points! You have to be careful of which snack cakes you get. Some are worth 1 and some are worth 2 depending on the fiber and fat content.

Now, this is NOT going to turn into a blog where all I do is count out points and what I ate because frankly, I wouldn't want to read that! But I think the reason today feels calmer to me is that I don't have the voice in me saying "Eat, Cheat!!!" I know that I can have some sweet things today and still stick to my plan. I still have 16 points left today!

So, I just wanted to throw that out to you, if you are one of the blog readers who is struggling with weightloss and feel like it just isn't going to happen for you. I think I am going to join Weight Watchers in the next 2 weeks, but you know, if you want to do it and can't afford to join, you can buy a Weight Watchers calculator from Ebay for under $15 and use that for now. The one I have keeps count of your points for you, your water intake, exercise, calculates points and tracks your weight loss. That and good walking shoes equal a pretty cheap weight loss plan if you ask me!! P.S. Thanks Paula!


Vicki said...

I love the weight watchers points system! I used it to lose about 15lbs years ago and have managed to keep it off! I think it's easy to understand and stick to!

Carey said...
