Friday, April 4, 2008

Mid- Night Cheating!!!

I completely lost my control last night before bed. Between worrying about the water issue, my huge to-do list, being angry about the scale not moving, and all the time its going to take to find all of the phone numbers I had in my cell phone, I just started eating. I bet at least 400 calories worth. I wanted to cry, but just didn't. I should calories. I told my husband this morning (he had been asleep). He asked me why I did it and honestly I think the answer is that on some level I don't think it matters. I've done lots of cardio, I've done a restricted diet and not one pound has left this body since January.

I'm going to give it one more week- go into Weight Watchers on Monday to join, check that I'm doing the right points and get some advice and do cardio every day next week. If nothing happens with the scale, I think I'm going to get my thyroid check just to make sure there isn't any other underlying reason preventing weight loss. If that checks out fine then I guess I just need to do more, but how?!!!! Too much chaos going on around me!!! Ok, I have to get moving. Second day with no shower, need to finish cleaning the house, do bills, take care of my toddler, and get ready for the well people to be here and baseball practice starts this evening for my oldest (tomorrow for my youngest son). Did I mention that my in-laws arrive this evening? Thank goodness they are very kind and good sports about less than ideal conditions, 'cause this is a doozy! Pray for me! Who's the patron saint of a woman on the edge?

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