One Crochet hook, lots of yarn, lots of diet and exercise and a goal to wear my dream crochet wardrobe that I'm creating for this summer! Will they fit? That's what this blog will chronicle...
Saturday, May 31, 2008
I've Got The Plates A Spinnin'
Friday, May 23, 2008
Can You Believe It? , the Forest Heather Mist shade.
I stayed up late last night to finish it and just sewed the shoulder seems together today. Now, on to my next project! Will have details on that tomorrow. Getting on the treadmill now....
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Progress Pictures Taken Today

Monday, May 19, 2008
It's Been Rumored That I Died.....
Nope, I'm still here! The week got busy, the crocheting went slowly, blah, blah, blah....
But I have lots to share!!! First, my plan of "eat better, eat less, move more" is in fact , WORKING! I haven't dared to get on the scale, but the inches continue to move down. I took my measurements on Sunday morning and so far
I have lost (since January):
Waist: 3 1/2 inches
Hips: 1 1/2 inches
Under bra: 1 1/2 inches
Arms: 1/3 inch
Thighs are freakish: 1 inch off of right and little to nothing on left...What?????But that's what the records say!
A great deal of that progress has occurred in the last 2 weeks. I'm not going to write about what I'm doing specifically until I see more progress, but I'm not doing anything like cutting out complete food groups. I meant to post a pic of me, but didn't get to it. I'll make sure to get a pic of me next weekend.
I am posting pics of my two latest projects. The first is the long awaited Upsy Daisy Poncho. I have pictured it on top of a white tank top, which is probably how I'll wear it at the beach. Love, Love, Love it!!
The second project is kind of a surprise. I made an extra large version of 's Quahog Beach Bag, which is a free pattern. I am horrible at putting in liners into purses, as I have discovered! I'm kind of pressed for time (exercise calls), so I'll post the pic of the bag and details about yarn used, etc. later on tonight after the children are in bed.
I'll also reveal my next project which is already in the works. I'll give you a hint, it's from Amy Swenson's Sensual Crochet.
******Update: As you can see, I finally got the pictures of the beach bag loaded onto the blog. The yarn used for the bag come from Lily Sugar and Cream. I'm missing the yarn wrappers, but the colors are from their new Confectioners line. I lucked out and found this wonderful fabric for the liner. They look perfect together!
The Poncho was done in Paton's Grace yarn, blush and a brown (I think labeled tan but it's a very rich brown). If you decide to give this pattern a try, I highly recommend the Grace yarn for both beauty and price. They have some great colors!
So my next project....I actually started it on Friday. I am doing (insert drum roll here): the Trellis Boatneck Shell from Amy Swenson's Sensual Crochet. I love every design in this book and if you're looking to find hip, wonderful patterns, she's your gal. Here's the link to her book on Amazon.
There, you will be able to look at 11 images from the book. The Trellis Boatneck Shell is image #5 (purple). Obviously, a tank top will be worn underneath! I'd love to post a pic from the book on my blog, but without having spoken to the designer first, I don't feel comfortable doing it. The yarn I am using is Bernat Satin in the Forest Mist Heather (deep loden green). It is going to look fantastic with a white or brown tank and cacky shorts! I hope to have it done by the end of the week so I can get to my next project.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Crocheting in Slow Gear!
On the diet/exercise front, my husband suggested the other day that I don't lack effort, I lack consistency and he is right. I keep looking at what others are doing and am so fretful that what I'm doing won't work, that I don't stick with anything long enough to form a good opinion. I've been trying to do my own thing and am trying to be like a horse with blinders on-stay focused on what I need to do and not worry about what others are doing. I rarely buy exercise or diet magazines for that very reason. There's always some new plan they are touting and I can get easily distracted.
I still plan to take pics of myself this weekend, which is definately an incentive to keep moving and eating well. I guess I'm in a weird stage- nothing to report or show for my efforts yet, but stay tuned! I'm working towards a goal and I am determined to get there!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mothers Day!!
I was up until 1 am last night working on the Upsy Daisy Poncho. Thanks Cindy for clarifying the directions for me. I forgot about the fringe that goes on it, so I'll need to work on that tomorrow evening. The shawl for my aunt is complete- decided against fringe for it, so it's ready to be photographed and given to her.
The beach bag I am working on is almost done. I am putting the liner in right now and should have it done tomorrow evening. I ended up doing alot of ripping out of yarn the last few days, but I think it's going to look awesome!
This is going to be a tremendously busy week, but with the house in good shape (thanks to rain keeping us inside and working on the house instead of the farm), I think staying on top of things should be easier than the past few weeks. I have plenty of healthy meal choices in the house and I am ready to go! As soon as I post pics of my finished projects, I'll show you what I am working on next! Happy Mothers Day!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
And The Beat Goes On....
The last few days have been VERY busy and I have been watching what I eat and exercising. By the way, the treasure left in the DVD/VCR was a pen cap. So the VCR portion no longer works, but my DH got the DVD part working so I can still use my DVDs to exercise.
I'm waiting for some extra instruction to finish the Upsy Daisy Poncho, but in the meantime, I decided to work on a beach bag. I am going to get some fabric tomorrow from Hobby Lobby when I go to see my Papa and then I should have it done by Wednesday to post pics of it as well as a link to the pattern.
I am planning a super agressive week for exercise and diet. I'm on the attack! Ha! I'll be doing cardio and toning everyday as well as extra walking at the ballpark when possible.
My next scheduled time to cantor is May 18th so I thought that might be a good time to take some new progress pictures. So look for them that Sunday or Monday morning.
I am SOSOSOSOSOSO much better now that I am concentrating on the routine and not the scale. I'm trying to take it week by week and upping my performance each week based on how I did the previous week. When I was trying to deliver my first child, I did much better with handling labor and pushing when I concentrated on what I needed to do and not the labor contraction monitor. Ok, so the fact that I had to have a c-section after 2 1/2 hrs. of pushing is probably not making this a good analogy, but you get the point :)
The beach trip is fast approaching and I have very little from my dream list made, so I need to really step up the work! I know I won't be at my goal weight then, but I am looking for progress and our family still has a big wedding at the end of August to give me incentive. And you know, it's really ok if I have to extend my timeline. It's not about when it happens, it's that it actually DOES happen. I told a good friend this week that I can't reach my goal size and still weigh what I do, so at some point the scale will need to catch up, and I can't control that. But I can exercise, eat less, and eat better.
I'm going to get moving so I get my chores done and have time to walk this afternoon.