Yep, it's running amok in my house! Hand, foot and mouth disease, Yikes! Our toddler girl had it first, followed by my dh. Now my oldest ds has it and I think I am the latest to get hit. Just one ds to go and it will be a done deal. My throat hurts and I think I have a sore on the inside of my mouth. Did I mention it's my turn to cantor tomorrow morning? Might not be pretty....
Did you ever have one of those weeks where you felt like nothing, and I mean nothing, was going right? Well, I envy those people, because my week was worse. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Well, I'm the bug. Nah, that's an insult to the bug. I'm the icky stuff left behind from the bug from the week before.
I have spent most of the week cheating on my diet plan, not exercising, and trying on clothes to boot! I'm not sure what it it that the beach trip is here and I don't feel or look any different than I did during our last beach trip? Or is it that I feel as if my body is working against me, refusing to acknowledge my efforts with a few meager pounds? Or is the anxiousness and fear that it just might not come off? I don't know, truly. I might have even put back on the inch from my waist that I just lost. I'm afraid to look.
What I do know is this. Come heck or high water, I will make the weight come off. One great thing about the beach, besides being with family, is that it gives me time to think of what I truly want and see for myself. I have lots of ideas and vision, I just need the commitment to see them become reality.
Hey, don't forget the contest! You have a few weeks, so please keep looking. We leave for the beach on Tuesday or Wednesday, but I'll write again before we leave and at least a couple of times while we're away. My latest crochet project was completed last night. I tried it on this morning and I have one word for you: ICK! It looks terrible on me! I think I have the "Reverse Midas Touch." Oh well, I can only go up from here, right? Oh, I do hope this is the bottom and there's not more to's my turn to be the windshield!!
***Note about the contest: You CAN submit multiple entries!****
One Crochet hook, lots of yarn, lots of diet and exercise and a goal to wear my dream crochet wardrobe that I'm creating for this summer! Will they fit? That's what this blog will chronicle...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Cool Weather Crochet Pattern Contest
Ok, here it is, a chance to scour the internet to find a great crochet clothing pattern for me to wear this Fall/Winter. The contest will last until July 20th, to allow me time to go through the patterns after the beach trip. I'm looking for tops, long sleeve and short sleeve (it's still warm here even into October), or pullovers, cardigans, skirts, even dresses! Remember to look for something not too bulky, to show off the shape I am working towards :) For pattern size purposes, my chest is about a 38.
It can be a pattern that is from a free website, magazine, book, or that would need to be purchased online. If it's a good one, I don't mind spending the money to purchase a pattern. If a picture exists, just provide the link to the pattern in your contest entry/comment. After I get back from the beach, I'll narrow it down to a handful of patterns or by category, depending on the number of entries, and I'll let you decide through a poll!
Now, to the prizes. I've been thinking of this for awhile and here's what I've come up with: The winner will have their choice of 3 prizes.
Choices for First Prize are:
1. Amazon gift certificate for $26 (orders over $25 get free shipping). This is for the non-crocheter or for the crocheter who is wanting a crochet book or anything else they have!
2. A gift card for $25/26 (will they let me do $26?) to Joanne's/Michael's/Hobby Lobby, which ever is closest to you!
3. This one is for all of the out of the U.S. folks, who might be limited in their crochet choices. I'll purchase the yarn (brand and color your choice) equal to $26 dollars, and mail it to you, shipping on me! I'm thinking of those is Aussie, for example, who I've heard complain about the lack of yarn and the cost of what's available. That $26 will go alot farther here!
So, there you are! Happy Hunting!!!
It can be a pattern that is from a free website, magazine, book, or that would need to be purchased online. If it's a good one, I don't mind spending the money to purchase a pattern. If a picture exists, just provide the link to the pattern in your contest entry/comment. After I get back from the beach, I'll narrow it down to a handful of patterns or by category, depending on the number of entries, and I'll let you decide through a poll!
Now, to the prizes. I've been thinking of this for awhile and here's what I've come up with: The winner will have their choice of 3 prizes.
Choices for First Prize are:
1. Amazon gift certificate for $26 (orders over $25 get free shipping). This is for the non-crocheter or for the crocheter who is wanting a crochet book or anything else they have!
2. A gift card for $25/26 (will they let me do $26?) to Joanne's/Michael's/Hobby Lobby, which ever is closest to you!
3. This one is for all of the out of the U.S. folks, who might be limited in their crochet choices. I'll purchase the yarn (brand and color your choice) equal to $26 dollars, and mail it to you, shipping on me! I'm thinking of those is Aussie, for example, who I've heard complain about the lack of yarn and the cost of what's available. That $26 will go alot farther here!
So, there you are! Happy Hunting!!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Some Beach...Some Where....
I've got that song in my head and I am so ready for the beach! But first I need to finish my last project!!! How fast can these hands crochet? I think I am going to find out, because it's going to take several marathon sessions to get 'er done!
I managed to get up at 6:30 this morning and did 3 miles on the treadmill. We are starting a new schedule this week for myself and the children and my day starts with the treadmill or exercise tapes. Unfortunately, my daughter has some type of psychic connection with me and the second I get on the treadmill, she's awake! Well, that's what God invented cribs for! She managed to stay fairly content while I finished up and I even squeezed in a quick shower. Now we are off to swim class for the boys. The afternoon will be taken up with Math lessons (continuing to catch them up) and getting ready for baseball this evening...if it doesn't rain. Happy Monday everyone! Contest information comes tomorrow so be looking for it! I have some good prizes for it!
I managed to get up at 6:30 this morning and did 3 miles on the treadmill. We are starting a new schedule this week for myself and the children and my day starts with the treadmill or exercise tapes. Unfortunately, my daughter has some type of psychic connection with me and the second I get on the treadmill, she's awake! Well, that's what God invented cribs for! She managed to stay fairly content while I finished up and I even squeezed in a quick shower. Now we are off to swim class for the boys. The afternoon will be taken up with Math lessons (continuing to catch them up) and getting ready for baseball this evening...if it doesn't rain. Happy Monday everyone! Contest information comes tomorrow so be looking for it! I have some good prizes for it!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Fun Day Ahead!
We're taking today to have some overdue fun. First we are off to the local Zoo to see the jellyfish exhibit and then off to Chucky Cheese, which is fulfilling a promise to my boys for working so hard on their school work. I think they have a salad bar so no worries there. If there is time, we might head over to a paint your own pottery store to make a present or two. There's a circus in town this weekend and I might take the children. My dh has to get the hay cut and brought in before our beach trip, so unfortunately, we'll be going without him.
I am doing some super crocheting right now to get my last "beach" project done. Every free moment that I can get a hook in my hand, I will be working on it!
After the beach trip I will make one more summer project for the wedding in August and then I am going to start working on Fall projects. Look for a post soon announcing a contest to find the coolest, most flattering cold weather patterns for me to make. It can be a free pattern or one I would have to purchase. So, start looking!!
I am STILL working on that last inch off my waist before the beach! Over the weekend I will be finishing a couple of cleaning and organizing projects and then I am going to get the exercising is turbo gear! Happy Friday everyone!
I am doing some super crocheting right now to get my last "beach" project done. Every free moment that I can get a hook in my hand, I will be working on it!
After the beach trip I will make one more summer project for the wedding in August and then I am going to start working on Fall projects. Look for a post soon announcing a contest to find the coolest, most flattering cold weather patterns for me to make. It can be a free pattern or one I would have to purchase. So, start looking!!
I am STILL working on that last inch off my waist before the beach! Over the weekend I will be finishing a couple of cleaning and organizing projects and then I am going to get the exercising is turbo gear! Happy Friday everyone!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Life Is Good...
Just two weeks until the beach and my house resembles a bad circus act, but surprisingly, I'm feeling good. Did I make my goal? Nope. But I look and feel so much better than I did just a few months ago and I am on my way. I tried on a bunch of clothes from a few summers ago and was glad to see that they fit! It will make getting ready for the beach so much easier! I'm going to buy a few new tanks and nicer tops but I still have some nicer shorts to wear.
I have cantor practice tonight and I have no idea what I'll be singing- hope I know a few of the selections! LOL...
I was able to get through a chapter of math for each of my boys while my toddler slept. They are coming along so well in their math and reading now!
Our toddler was sick over the last 2 days and it was horrible! She at one point had a fever of 104.0!!!! It came out of nowhere and left as quick as it showed up without any other symptoms, so we are clueless to what caused the fever other than an un-named virus.
I am back to crocheting and was working on a project last night. If I can get just one more project done before the beach, I will be so pleased!
I have cantor practice tonight and I have no idea what I'll be singing- hope I know a few of the selections! LOL...
I was able to get through a chapter of math for each of my boys while my toddler slept. They are coming along so well in their math and reading now!
Our toddler was sick over the last 2 days and it was horrible! She at one point had a fever of 104.0!!!! It came out of nowhere and left as quick as it showed up without any other symptoms, so we are clueless to what caused the fever other than an un-named virus.
I am back to crocheting and was working on a project last night. If I can get just one more project done before the beach, I will be so pleased!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
I got to spend the morning "reliving the glory days" so to speak- we had breakfast at my grandparents house. Papa came home for the morning and while it wasn't quite like the artery clogging breakfasts of the past (same food, just not as crazy), it was nice to be together with Papa for Father's day. My own DH had to work some this afternoon, but I think he still had a nice day.
I made the mistake of thinking I could give up caffiene cold turkey yesterday. Boy, the headache that I had today was enough to have me running, screaming in the pasture! By 1 p.m., I was sick and felt like I had a tight helmet on my head. After a nap I felt a little better, but decided maybe I need to taper off for the sake of my family's sanity! So I drank about 1 1/2 cups of coffee, headache went mostly away and I think tomorrow I will aim for a little less until I am down to 0 caffiene.
So, I have 2 weeks left to the beach and lots to accomplish in that time. Although I had on a pair of pants this morning that were loose (they were very tight when I bought them!), I still have a long way to go. I aiming for one more inch off my waist before the beach and then 2 inches more before the family wedding at the end of August. If I stay on track, I should be close to my goal by my daughter's second birthday. I'll post pics just before the beach trip for you to see my progress.
By the way, we haven't heard any more information on the hidden camera in the bathroom. Looking to see if there is any news this week. I'll let you know!
Lastly, I haven't been working on any particular project the last few days (I know, get moving!!), but it has been so hard to stay focused! I feel so scattered! I need to get a schedule going for myself and the children. They are working on some academic goals right now- my oldest is very behind in his math and his reading is really improving. My youngest son is advanced in math and wants to read like his brother. I am loving it! A month or so ago, I had to force my oldest to read and now he's begging me to let him stay up and read in bed! They were both excited that they could read in the car! Awesome!
I need to pick one last project to finish before the beach and "get er' done"! I'll look through my graveyard of unfinished projects from the last 5-6 weeks and pick one to get rolling on tomorrow. Hope Father's day was a good one for your family!
I made the mistake of thinking I could give up caffiene cold turkey yesterday. Boy, the headache that I had today was enough to have me running, screaming in the pasture! By 1 p.m., I was sick and felt like I had a tight helmet on my head. After a nap I felt a little better, but decided maybe I need to taper off for the sake of my family's sanity! So I drank about 1 1/2 cups of coffee, headache went mostly away and I think tomorrow I will aim for a little less until I am down to 0 caffiene.
So, I have 2 weeks left to the beach and lots to accomplish in that time. Although I had on a pair of pants this morning that were loose (they were very tight when I bought them!), I still have a long way to go. I aiming for one more inch off my waist before the beach and then 2 inches more before the family wedding at the end of August. If I stay on track, I should be close to my goal by my daughter's second birthday. I'll post pics just before the beach trip for you to see my progress.
By the way, we haven't heard any more information on the hidden camera in the bathroom. Looking to see if there is any news this week. I'll let you know!
Lastly, I haven't been working on any particular project the last few days (I know, get moving!!), but it has been so hard to stay focused! I feel so scattered! I need to get a schedule going for myself and the children. They are working on some academic goals right now- my oldest is very behind in his math and his reading is really improving. My youngest son is advanced in math and wants to read like his brother. I am loving it! A month or so ago, I had to force my oldest to read and now he's begging me to let him stay up and read in bed! They were both excited that they could read in the car! Awesome!
I need to pick one last project to finish before the beach and "get er' done"! I'll look through my graveyard of unfinished projects from the last 5-6 weeks and pick one to get rolling on tomorrow. Hope Father's day was a good one for your family!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me!
My 38th birthday greeted me with another 1/2 inch off my waist. Everything else is the same as last progress check. That's 4 inches from my waist since January. I'll take it! I usually find myself counting my blessings on my birthday, so I've been running a list in my head. I'm blessed to have a wonderful husband (14 year wedding anniversary tomorrow), 3 awesome children, a great Mom ( and Dad!) who watched my children so I could get some time away and a well-needed haircut. She made a birthday cake for me with them children as well. They were so proud! I'm blessed by wonderful friends and family, who thought to call me today and wish me well. I'm blessed with my husband's family, especially his parents and siblings and their spouses. I'm blessed with a wonderfull house and land for our children to explore as they get older. But most of all, I am blessed with a God who loves me and gives me hope. I may not be at my goal, but I am getting there and I have no doubts that I will get there. Happy Birthday to me!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Not The Day I Intended!
I haven't felt like myself for a couple of days and I feel very powerless to change. We heard on the news that the photography studio that I have taken our 3 children to for the past year had a secret camera in the bathroom. I am just horrified! From what we know, they do have a suspect in mind (as do I!) and charges are pending, but they have not named anyone yet. I don't know how long the camera was there or the extend of it's use (did the suspect put images on the internet?). I have to say that I have been doing awesome on my diet and exercise, but the last 24 hours (since seeing pictures of the bathroom on the news) I have blown my diet big time. I want to scream or cry or both! The thought that someone may have taken images of my children or myself in the bathroom is really sending me into quite a freaked out state! I'll let you know when there is more information available. Pray for my nerves!
I have been trying to work on a tunic that I am testing for someone, and I don't think my skills are up to par. I am ripping my work out left and right and at this point I am going to have to email her to tell her I'm not going to be able to complete the project for her. I hate doing that, but there are so many wonderful crocheters out there who would do a much better job for her than me. If you are reading this from crochetville, see the tunic in the pattern testing section.
I have only 20 some days left to the beach and I haven't done anything to prepare as I usually do. It's time to admit that I can't get every crochet project done that I'd like to before the beach. I think I am going to get one top done in the next two weeks and then switch gears to Fall items when I return from vacation.
Please don't give up on me! I'm not done with this challenge yet! I just need to extend my timeline and wardrobe to include the Fall months. There are some wonderful patterns out there to make for a leaner body like I hope to have! My new deadline is my daughter's birthday at the end of September. I am going to have pictures taken of myself and my children for my husband's birthday (in November but I'll do them in early October). I want to wear something I've made (in the picture) looking fantastic in a healthier, leaner, body. Maybe I'll do one picture of just me! I haven't done that in a long time! Come to think of it, most pictures of me, my children are strategically placed in front! Imagine that, a picture of just me. That's a good goal.
I have been trying to work on a tunic that I am testing for someone, and I don't think my skills are up to par. I am ripping my work out left and right and at this point I am going to have to email her to tell her I'm not going to be able to complete the project for her. I hate doing that, but there are so many wonderful crocheters out there who would do a much better job for her than me. If you are reading this from crochetville, see the tunic in the pattern testing section.
I have only 20 some days left to the beach and I haven't done anything to prepare as I usually do. It's time to admit that I can't get every crochet project done that I'd like to before the beach. I think I am going to get one top done in the next two weeks and then switch gears to Fall items when I return from vacation.
Please don't give up on me! I'm not done with this challenge yet! I just need to extend my timeline and wardrobe to include the Fall months. There are some wonderful patterns out there to make for a leaner body like I hope to have! My new deadline is my daughter's birthday at the end of September. I am going to have pictures taken of myself and my children for my husband's birthday (in November but I'll do them in early October). I want to wear something I've made (in the picture) looking fantastic in a healthier, leaner, body. Maybe I'll do one picture of just me! I haven't done that in a long time! Come to think of it, most pictures of me, my children are strategically placed in front! Imagine that, a picture of just me. That's a good goal.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Today Was Sheep Shearing Day At Our Homestead!
With the help of my parents (THANKS!!!!!) and our children (THANKS!), we were able to get our 4 Finn yearling ewes shorn today and the sheep seem much happier! One of the ewes, Rachel, had a beautiful fleece and I hope I can get some yarn from it. Here's a picture of Abby, the first to go "under the shears"

I'll have more to write tomorrow- it's bedtime for all of our little farmers!
Hot Mama Swimsuit Is Now Available Through E-Patterns!
Hey, just wanted to let my fellow crocheters know that the Swimsuit I made from Crochet Magazine is now Available through E-Patterns and it's under $3.00! If you don't have a copy of that issue, but wanted to make the swimsuit, now's your chance! Here's the link:
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