Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Another Great Day!

Today went really well. I got in a good cardio workout and stayed with my eating plan. I'm trying to make meals healthier, not just for me, but for the whole family. My youngest son (6) is resistant to anything not in a Burger King bag. But I'll keep trying!
Tomorrow I'm heading off to see my grandfather. He's is in his second week at a nursing home and is doing fairly well. His memory is pretty much gone, but his personality is back to where he was a few years ago. My Papa is a great man and my children are so lucky to have him still with us.


Michelle Butticci said...

One great day mixed with a couple not so good days and you'll make it!! Keep your chin up!!!!!!

Misha said...

Keep up the good work! You gotta keep taking those steps forward! I suggest getting a pedometer if you don't have one. It's a great way to keep track of your activity and motivate you to do more. Shoot for 10,000 steps per day. I want to see the new you and your creation!!