I know it may not sound like much to anyone else, but to me it's huge. We went out to dinner tonight and my boys ordered their favorite: pancakes. I typically eat my own meal and then eat whatever is left of their pancakes. I'm embarrased to admit that, but if this is going to work, I really have to get to the knitty gritty of what is holding me back.
Well tonight I finished my meal and it wasn't until I handed over the boys' plates to the waitress that I realized I had not eaten from their plate. Wow! That's really big for me!
The week went ok, not great, but ok. I do know that there is no turning back for me. I'll just keep waking up everyday with the motivation to work towards a better body.
I am at a crocheting dilemma. I don't really feel as if I have earned the next batch of yarn that I need, but I am working with a discontinued yarn that I have only been able to find from one seller online. She has enough for me to compete the Hot Mama swimsuit, but I need to persue it before the yarn is gone. I don't think this week was a complete bust, but it wasn't a "clean" week either in the food and exercise dept. So, what I'm thinking is that I'll wait until Wed of next week and if I can say I have followed the program faithfully to that point, I'll go ahead and order it. It won't arrive for another week so I'll have more time to truly "earn" the yarn.
Hope to have some pics of my crocheting progress by end of next week.
I'll weigh in the first week of Feb. and take measurements then too.
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