Saturday, January 5, 2008

Good News, Bad News...

I should just get to the bad news: I completely blew off the last two days. I could give a dozen of so-called good excuses and hey, didn't I just write about how not staying on track ruins your progress? There really aren't any great excuses.. I think it was just laziness, plain and simple. I want so badly to lose weight, but I know that to do what is necessary will take a complete overhaul with how I eat and how I live. And the question I have asked myself over the last 2 days is am I ready to do what is necessary? Am I ready to really make those changes? If I wanted to I could just delete this blog and go back to how things have been, but do I want that? The answer is NO NO NO!! I want something more for myself!!
So the good news is that I think the last two days have really helped "seal the deal" for me that I am in this for the long haul. It doesn't matter if I slip up here and there, what matters is that I get up and keep moving, instead of reaching for food to make me feel better.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

We all have set backs. It sucks but we have to just pick ourselves back up and continue on. We can do it Carey. We will keep each other accountable!