Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Feelin' Groovy....

This has been a busy and yet good week so far. I did as I said I would (ooh, feeling a little Horton hears a Who), but really, I did! Yesterday, I did an hour of cardio and weights and ate pretty darn well. Baseball practice for my oldest got rained out so I didn't get to add in walking, but it was a bonus and not a necessity. This morning I am headed out for a very important concert, namely singing for Papa. I've been practicing for him and and his roomate, Lou.

But I knew I needed to get in my exercise before I left or it wouldn't get done, and hey, I did it (and I might get electrocuted for sweating on my keyboard). There's another practice tonight so I am going to walk then, but it's a bonus. I don't want to rely on those walks because they can get easily cancelled.

I forgot to mention in my last post that I sang again in Church this past Sunday. I think I did well, but you know the second you think you're a rock star, you really realize you're so NOT one. At one point I looked for my family to see their reaction and they were all in the "cry" room, my husband watching our now 19 month old daughter and talking away to someone, and my boys had their backs to me, watching their sister play with another toddler. Gee, I am just sooooo impressive aren't I? Opera star, I am not. I did mess up during one song and actually giggled at myself. No one seem to notice, but I did. We always notice our screw ups, don't we? Oh well, no one cared, especially not me. I'm not there to receive praise, but to give praise to God. Plain and simple.

I need to hit the showers, but I have to say I am LOVING not getting on the scale. I am just focusing on eating less, eating better and moving more with a little less carbs and more water. If it works, I'm writing a book called "Don't Buy Me, You Can Figure This Out For Yourself."

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