Friday, April 18, 2008

Is That A Sniffle I Hear?

Oh No!!! No more colds! I woke up congested this morning, but I am NOT letting it stop me! It's not bad enough to warrant medicine, so lets hope that's as bad as it gets.

Last night was crazy! Luckily, I got on the treadmill in the morning. After school I took my brood shopping for new baseball helmets, bats, and shoes. Not cheap, let me tell you! Anyway, we got home with 1 1/2 hrs left to eat dinner and do homework before my youngest son's practice scheduled for 6 pm. I discovered a message waiting for me that the coach of my oldest son had decided to call an impromptu practice at 7 pm! Suddenly, I was racing around trying to get everybody fed, homework done, equipment and water bottle ready to go. I hope these last minute practices are a rarity this season.

So I took our youngest son to his practice with our 18 month old and my husband took our oldest to his- 2 different parks, a couple of miles from each other. I was able to get in another 20 min. of walking, pushing the stroller over gravel and a good incline. But our daughter was ready to go home at 6:30 and was pretty much a crying mess for the next hour.

Our children go to bed at 8 pm, so practices that end at 7:30 and 8 are really hard on them. My oldest has a practice on Tuesdays from 8-9 pm!! He's only 9 for crying out loud! I spoke to the coach's wife about it and said that until school was out we would have to miss that one and she and her husband are very understanding about it.

Today will be busy but it's such a beautiful day! I'm going to get on the treadmill this morning and try another resistance tape as well. My oldest has practice again tonight (I know, crazy) at 6 pm. I'm going to walk with the stroller again, but I count it as a bonus and not as my cardio for the day.

I worked on the poncho again last night. I am close to done, folks! Woohoo, it's about time!

I can't wait to show you what my next 2 projects are going to be. They are quite cool and those from crochetville will definately recognize one of them!

I have the yarn already for one of them, but the other I plan to use some very exquisite yarn, but I can do it. I have been faithful to my diet, and am seeing progress! Next weigh-in is on Monday.

I'll post a pic of the poncho and the next project in the next few days. Maybe with Monday's weigh-in results.

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