Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Somewhere between Zoloft and a Glass of Wine Lies My Sanity

I had a huge meltdown today, brought on by many things. My youngest son's therapy has been on hold and it is not clear why it hasn't been addressed (first gulp of whine/wine heard here). Second, my phone just DIED somewhere around 3:30 just as I was driving around a local town, LOST like my 6 year old in his sea of toys at cleanup time, and with no way of calling for assistance (gulp).

I had volunteered to pick up a friend's daughter from school, and was already past our pick up time. So, like any normal person, I stopped and asked for help. That "help" led me another 15 minutes down the wrong road and gulp, more whine (not wine yet, I'm driving).

By the time I reached my friend's daughter I was 30 minutes late!!! Now, don't freak, this isn't a child we are talking about-she's about 18, but I was so afraid her mom, who just had surgery yesterday, would think I had forgotten and not being able to reach me, would head out on her own. Just a big mess!!

I made it to Cantor practice and was just awash with joy at singing again. I had forgotten how much I enjoy it. I live in a very small town so I knew several members already (including the young lady I gave a ride home to! Told you this was a small town!) So, the night did end well.

My mom is coming over tomorrow to help me do some prep work for this weekend's room switch. I also have a hair appt. tomorrow afternoon and am getting a different cut and style- think Meg Ryan in You have Mail- but maybe not that short.

Lastly, I am considering putting the swimsuit in our county fair (which is a mile from our home and everyone in town thinks of it as our own week long town party). Should I enter it or is it to much for our county fair? I'd appreciate your opinion!

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