Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"Never Look Back Darling. It Distracts From the Now"

I'm paraphrasing Edna from the Incredibles. Wise woman, that Edna. You know how when you're afraid of heights and someone says "just don't look down?" I have a new warning for you: When losing alot of weight, don't look at your reflection at any time while exercising. It throws you off and makes you feel terrible about yourself. I know what I'm talking about...still recovering from my experience while on the treadmill last night!

Today I have my youngest son home sick again. Poor thing, he can barely say 2 words without coughing. My Mom is coming over soon and we are continuing the Organizing Festival that has been going on in our home since Friday. We plan to clean out 2 large closets and I can bet that most of my mini-van will be filled with trash bags full of stuff to donate by the end of the day.

I have stuck to my points and have done cardio both days this week. Just going to keep going! I am back to working on the Upsy Daisy poncho and plan to have it finished by Friday. Hope to have pics of it on the blog by then.

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