One Crochet hook, lots of yarn, lots of diet and exercise and a goal to wear my dream crochet wardrobe that I'm creating for this summer! Will they fit? That's what this blog will chronicle...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Upping the Mileage...
The boys did great on their quarter tests for Spelling and Math. Ds10 also had a 7 chapter History test. I'm really pleased with their progress, as I think they are too! Since most schools have off today, they convinced me to do a half-day. We did Spelling, Handwriting, Math, and English. Tomorrow we'll be back to our full schedule.
The trench coat is coming along...I want to wear it during Halloween weekend so I need to speed things up!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Another Busy Week
This week will be a very busy one, but I will get in running everyday. While I don't like to run, I do like the feeling I have after I've completed a couple of miles. I seem to be steadily doing 2 miles at a time, but I am working on increasing that to 3 miles each session this week. That's a HUGE adjustment for me. I've also noticed that on the days that I did run, my appetite was much less; another bonus.
We have an appointment with a speech therapist for my youngest son today, soccer twice this week, swimming on Friday, Science and Art with our "buddy" homeschooling family, and we've added an extra weekly gym class at the local rec center that's just for homeschoolers. The boys did it last week and loved it! Wednesday we are doing a day trip to a Natural Museum to see mummies, dinosaurs, etc. That's going to be alot of fun! This is review week for us, with Math, History, and Spelling tests being taken by Friday.
I am working on the back of the trench coat- it's taking forever, or so it feels, but it's going to be beautiful! I want to wear it Thanksgiving weekend. I promise to write at the end of the week on how well I stuck to diet and exercise and my progress on the trench coat!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Don't Count Me Out!
Although diet and exercise were non-existent in the last 2 weeks, I am back on track. I just ran a full 2 miles without stopping, which is a first for me. Usually I try to run the 1st mile, slow down for a couple of minutes and then speed back up to finish the 20 minute session. Today I decided to not worry about how fast I can run the 1st mile and instead concentrated on keeping up a running pace for the 20 minutes without slowing down. It was challenging, but not as difficult as I thought it would be.
This is going to be a very fast-paced week. Our 24month old daughter celebrates her 2nd birthday on Saturday and we have family coming in from out of state. All of the grandparents will be attending the party as well as the 2 little girls who share her birthday. We also have soccer practices/games, swimming class, homeschooling, and a boat load of cleaning to get done. We are about a week ahead of our schedule for school, so we are concentrating on History, Language Arts, Science and Math this week.
I am ready to start work on the Trench Coat, but I am still debating the color!! Some of the yarn choices I've liked will be too expensive so I'll have to limit which yarns I choose from.
The puppies are doing very well-Mollie is a great Mommy! She's been letting our oldest ds help her when the puppies start to get away from her. Just wait until they open their eyes! That should happen at some point later this week.
Well, break is over, our History and Geography lesson awaits!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Power Outage and Puppies!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Yea, Sure....What??!!!
"Mom, I'm going to take my gameboy."
"That's fine, I'll be walking."
"Wait, my gameboy is in Dad's truck!"
"Why don't you take one of your books to read?"
"Yeah, I guess...Hey Mom, can you make me a multiplication sheet to do?"
"Yea, Sure....What, you mean Math?!!!"
"Yea, can you make me one to do real quick?"
"OOOkay, I can do that..."
It was at this point that I had to hide my "cat that ate the canary" grin! I couldn't believe it! Math. Fun. Seriously! Come on! This is the same boy that could barely get through his 4 x tables in May.
Homeschooling has brought ALOT of changes to our lives- all good so far. A few challenges, for sure, but I'm so glad we made this decision. One change I've noticed is the shift of time, in that 3-5 p.m. doesn't seem to have the same chaotic tone it had before. It's really busy, but not chaotic. By 3 p.m., school is done, my dd24months is awake from her nap, dinner is getting prepared and the evening is open to just soccer/swimming practice and family time. No homework, no extra responsibilities to take away from family time, except occasional cantor practice. But the day is super busy. We are ahead in our work right now, but I'm trying to build in a "cushion" in case of sickness.
The boys fight ALOT less. Their "recess" time is limited, like at school, so when they do play together they want to play and are less apt to argue. They also take turns playing with their sister during the day and that's a ton of fun to watch. She sits on a chair, pats the cushion and calls to one of them to sit with her. If they were at school, they would have very little time with her. They would be home around 2:30 and after homework there would be a short time for dinner before soccer/swimming and then off to bed. This time in their lives is gold and I'm so glad they are getting to spend it together.
Academically speaking the boys are doing great. I don't want to get too confident because I know enough from other moms that challenges are almost certain to come, so I just enjoy where we are now. Take care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself.
My challenges are of course to maintain exercise and diet and boy is that a challenge! I'm getting in 20 min. of running most days with extra walking while the boys are at sports. It's a great time to chat with friends as well. Diet is harder because I am trying to stick with Body For Life, but my family isn't. Dinner isn't the problem, but Breakfast and Lunch prove harder to manage. We are trying to have breakfast all together before my husband goes to work- before it was eat when you wanted to before getting to school or work, but we wanted to spend more time together as a family. They would like a bigger breakfast. I want cream of wheat. Like THAT's going to go well...but I'll get it figured out!
My latest crochet project is something I want to wear soon. I am not having much luck with wearables that require shaping so I hope this goes better. I've been ripping out alot of starter projects.
Lastly, our female dog is expecting puppies any day now. We think sometime between now and the next 3 weeks or so. She was already a high wired dog, but now she's testy and hormonal (poor thing). We have also made arrangements to purchase a ram for our sheep so our farm continues to grow.
Time's up, got to get to bed...tomorrow is a school day :)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
And The Winner Is...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Help Choose The Winner!!! 3 Finalists Announced!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Pineapple Outfit

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
School's In Session!
I had hoped to have back my things from the fair, mostly because I wanted back the mannequin so I can post pics of the outfit my daughter wore Friday night to the rehearsal dinner. I was so pleased with it! She hated getting into it because the back is kind of complicated to tie and 23 month olds are NOT known for their ability to stand still....
We had a wonderful weekend. It's the last of the weddings from this generation on that side of the family. I think my children thought they were Zach and Cody, the 2 brothers who live in a hotel. They loved staying at the hotel!
Anyway, I need to get school started- we have another full day ahead of us. We are studying Indians and Explorers to North America among other things and it's a lot of fun to read to the boys!
I'll try to get the final entries for the contest posted with pics for you to judge in the next 24 hours. I was up exercising at 11 pm last night and just too tired!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Pinch Me!!!!

Another Fitness Milestone For Me!
Well, I'm off to shower and then we are going to the fair to see how my entries did. Please, DON'T expect any ribbons- I saw alot of my competition last night and I don't stand a chance, but that's ok. It was fun just to enter things in the fair. My oldest has soccer practice this evening so the kids will be eating dinner at the fair (this is our one night to go), and I'll be toting my protein bar and diet pepsi. Boy, I live on the edge, don't I?
I'll write more about the fair this evening.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
What A Great Day!
Today was the big birthday party for both our boys. The oldest is 10 and the youngest will be 7 in a few weeks. Our baby girl has her 2nd birthday next month.
The day started off with me cantoring for morning mass. I get so nervous now- never used to, but I think it's different singing for a community of friends. Singing for church is different than anything else. It's just NOT about you. It's about serving - leading your community in song with out standing out. That's a hard line to stay on the right side of, but messing up every other time helps keep you humble :) Today was a good day and I was really pleased.
The party was just wonderful. My dear italian grandmother who is 94 attended. This was her first visit to our farm and I loved having her here, as did the rest of my family. We had a great round of ghost stories!! The boys had all their favorite friends, including the children they'll homeschool alongside with this year. Our daughter had her friend at the party and planning their birthdays will be quite the task. They were born the same day! We have to make sure they can be at each other's parties!
My husband and I had some great conversations with friends (parents of the children) and family. Just a great day all around.
Well, back to the grindstone. What is this, week 5 already? I have a wedding at the end of the week and we 1/2 school days going on- not to mention baking tomorrow for the fair. We're going to take the crochet and baking items over tomorrow afternoon. A friend told me that judging might actually be on Tuesday so we might have to head over there Tuesday afternoon! Wish me luck! Pics to be posted end of the week and hopefully the final picks for the contest will be up to show you by end of the week!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Quick Update...
Secondly, I don't know if I am looking better, but boy, do I feel better. I have more energy, and I feel like I'm going somewhere with this program. Free day is going to be my sons' birthday party on Sunday. Can't wait!!
Lastly, I entered 3 crocheted items into our county fair!! The Hot Mama Swimsuit, The Upsy Daisy Poncho, and my daughter's Christmas dress. I also entered a Chocolate Chip pie and my husband's grandmother's Molasses Sugar cookies. They have to be taken to the fair grounds on Monday. I won't know how I did until the weekend of the 23rd. Wish me luck! Oh no, lightening, gotten run!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Oops...Week 4!
The friend that I'll be homeschooling with is actually not starting her school year until September so she can get all of her unfinished projects completed. There is ALOT of wisdom in that approach and with swimming two mornings a week and speech therapy once a week for my youngest ds, we have alot of interruptions to our day. Soccer season just started this week, with my oldest ds having practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays and my youngest ds will ofcourse have practice on Mondays and Wednesdays. I mean, they couldn't possibly have practice on the same nights and make my life easier, right? Oh well, I'll use the time for extra walking sessions.
I have completed all of the motifs for dd's top and am now attaching them. After that, it's just trim work and beading. I need to make sure the motif layout is going to fit her properly and not be too big.
I've only had a few entries into the contest. I'll make a decision on Monday, so you have until then! If you haven't entered, now's the time!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
End Of Week Two
Yesterday I managed to shave off another 10 seconds from a mile. My best is now 13:15 which is not bad considering I was doing a 16/, maybe 18 min. mile before the challenge. I'm trying to make the switch from walking to running and it's HARD!!!! After I do the first mile, I slow down for a couple of minutes and then force myself to get back to running and then finish the 20 minute session going faster than my previous top speed. Yesterday I pulled off a 6.1 mph for one minute. Thought I was going to fall off the treadmill!
I am working on 2 projects, nope, 3 projects at one time. There is a method to my madness! The first project is a baby blanket for one my younger son's therapists who is expecting her first child this fall. It's a simple pattern using super bulky yarn and I can work on it even with chaos going on around me because it's so simple.
The second project is the tunic and I am working on this every time I have pockets of time without distraction, and of course that would be about 1 a.m.....:)
The 3rd project is actually a top that I am trying to make for my dd who is 20 months. I wanted to make her something to wear to the rehearsal dinner for the family wedding at the end of August. I got a pair of white capris for her and plan to make some edging and floral appliques to put on the capris to go along with the top. I'll ask the designer if I can post a pic and link to her pattern (for sale on ebay and I think etsy). Lots of little motifs so I do those anytime I have 5-10 min and race to see if I can get one done fast!
At some point, all 3 projects will get done! I have a small list going of future cold weather projects to make, but have room for one more so I need any last entries for my contest! I'll wrap the contest up at the end of the week, so PLEASE keep looking for something awesome for me to make to wear!!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I Might Electrocute Myself, But...
Our boys are getting used to their half-day homeschool routine. They are getting to bed WAY too late. Tonight they made a tent out of blankets in their room with the top of their fooseball table being the "secret door" complete with password. I, being the ever clever top secret Mommy agent that I am, quickly guessed the password (name of the youngest son :)) and I was allowed top secret clearance. Daddy was at a meeting tonight so they had ice cream, a movie, and I let them sleep in their tent. That lasted about 10 minutes and they were back in their own beds. Too funny!
Each day we do lessons in handwriting, spelling, english, and double math and phonics lessons. Both boys are making great strides in their math and reading! I started to read a loud to them yesterday but I don't want to get ahead of the schedule too much. We don't officially start until August 4th and we still have summer activities like swimming and soccer to work around, so I don't expect to be on our true schedule until September. Until then, we just tackle our daily schedule by fitting it in where we can, making sure it all gets done each day. So far, so good. I'll probably write more about school in the weeks to come, as I imagine there might be a few of you with questions of what they will be learning and how it will all work, so I'll continue to expand on our homeschool adventure as we go.
I had to rip out my tunic WIP!!! Ug!! I could tell it was going to be too small so I ripped it out and am starting over tomorrow with a bigger hook. I crochet with a tighter tension these days and I think that's the reason it wasn't working. Oh well, like I haven't ripped out a WIP before.
Ok, off to the shower and then bed. We have a full day of swimming, school work, and playing buccaneers ahead of us tomorrow and if I don't get enough sleep, I'll be walking (crawling) the plank!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Finally, My Second Bit of News!!
Before I tell you, I should back up and say that we made this decision a while ago, but I wanted to make sure all of our family was told before putting it on a blog. After lots of prayerful consideration, we pulled our 2 boys out of school. There were lots of reasons for doing this. Some were school related and I don't want to get into bad mouthing anyone, but we absolutely knew that our youngest could not and would not go through what his older brother did. We wanted to include other subjects into their studies that just aren't possible otherwise. So, here's the news: We are homeschooling our boys this Fall. For the last several months I have been blessed with a great friend to help mentor me in this process. She has homeschooled her children for several years and has done it well. She has been guiding us through all of the aspects of homeschooling, coursework, and scheduling issues. I feel REALLY confident that we can do this. I don't know if I have mentioned before, but I was a high school religion teacher for 4 years prior to having children and taught adult students at a local college for a few years in the recent past. Lesson planning, teaching, grading, juggling students isn't anything new to me.
So, this past week, instead of posting, I have been teaching. I didn't want the boys to get overwhelmed with work, so we have been doing a modified schedule to get them use to how the day will work and also they now have a head start on some of their subjects. We are doing Math, Phonics, Handwriting and we started Spelling last week. Today we are adding in English. Our first "true" day of homeschooling with all subjects will be August 4th. History, Geography and Science will begin then. Piano for the oldest will come in late September and German (their choice of foreign lang.) will start in the fall as well. They will continue to do Swimming year round as well as sports (Soccer should start within the coming weeks).
I'll write more about it in the coming weeks, but that's the reason for the delay in my post. Ok, onto weight loss...
I completed my first week of Body For Life and was really pleased with how I did. No cheating and no tweaking of the plan. I'll check my progress at the end of week 4. I am concentrating on just following each day as written and doing what's required. It's a great plan to follow for a homeschooler in that it's very straight forward, easy to follow, inexpensive, and I am not eating separate meals from the family at dinnertime. I am using the BFL cookbook and making meals from it. I wrote out a 3 week menu plan of BFL meals so that I can eat with the family and get everyone eating healthier as well!
As far as crocheting goes, I am making a test pattern for a sleeveless tunic for a fellow crocheter on crochetville. I plan to wear it in late August during a family wedding weekend. I can't wait to show you the color!!! I have a few ideas for fall patterns but still need entries into the contest!! Please keep looking for me!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I'm Back!!!
Wow! There is so much to tell you, where to start? Ok, first off, our English Shepherd, Mollie, may be well on her way to having puppies. Seems her "husband", Jack, finally, well, um, you know...anyway, I'll let you know how that one turns out...
The beach trip was fantastic, lots of fun and lots of soul searching.
I have a couple of items to share with you. First, the weight loss war. I truly think I am not any better off than I was when I took my first before pictures. The weight is still the same and I swear the waist in inches keeps moving like a see-saw. I feel like I am just treading water, or more appropriately, moving deck chairs on the Titanic. If you go back to the first entry of this blog, or the description of this blog, you'll find a mentioning of me following the Body For Life Program. It got me thinking, what happened with that? I know what happened with that. I did what I have done all the other 6-7 tries I have given the program: I refuse at some point to totally commit to it and start to tweak the program beyond recognition. Then, I tell myelf it's not working and I look for something else. That, my friends, is my first revelation. I don't want to do what I need to do. Deep down, I want to eat the way I did when I was 20 and a size 10.
I have come to a point where I want to complete the 12 week challenge, not because I might lose fill in the blank pounds, but because I want to say "I did it!". I want to follow the challenge to completion and not tweak it to death. I have no idea what kind of weight loss I'll have, but honestly, is what I have been doing, namely floundering around, been helpful? Nope. So, here I go, Body For Life Challege, try number 8. Eight's the charm, right? I feel different about it this time.
I asked my Mom to stock my frig with food for the program before I got home and I am ready to go, right now! Who's with me? Anyone else out there want to try it? Google the website to read about it. Honestly, you don't need to buy any books. All of the basic info is available as free downloads on their website. I'm not waiting for Monday. Tomorrow I'll start eating according to the plan and then Monday I'll start counting the weeks. I'll retake some pics on Monday, but don't count on me to focus on weight loss at first. I am all about completing each day's requirements and eating "clean" as it's called. One day at a time. One workout at a time.
This is a REALLY long post, so I'll write my second bit of news tomorrow evening!
Keep those entries for the contest coming!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Ready to Roll....
I'll take some pics of me while on the beach, but honestly, there is absolutely no difference from what I look like now and my last progress pics. I've done alot of thinking this week about what I want to do and how I need to do it, and I have some plans to tell you about when I return. Expect a lot of changes to the blog, and to my diet plan/exercise.
Please keep the Cool Weather Clothing Crochet Pattern Contest entries coming in. I'll be sure to write a post or two while on vacation!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Hand, Foot, and Mouth, Oh My!!!
Did you ever have one of those weeks where you felt like nothing, and I mean nothing, was going right? Well, I envy those people, because my week was worse. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Well, I'm the bug. Nah, that's an insult to the bug. I'm the icky stuff left behind from the bug from the week before.
I have spent most of the week cheating on my diet plan, not exercising, and trying on clothes to boot! I'm not sure what it it that the beach trip is here and I don't feel or look any different than I did during our last beach trip? Or is it that I feel as if my body is working against me, refusing to acknowledge my efforts with a few meager pounds? Or is the anxiousness and fear that it just might not come off? I don't know, truly. I might have even put back on the inch from my waist that I just lost. I'm afraid to look.
What I do know is this. Come heck or high water, I will make the weight come off. One great thing about the beach, besides being with family, is that it gives me time to think of what I truly want and see for myself. I have lots of ideas and vision, I just need the commitment to see them become reality.
Hey, don't forget the contest! You have a few weeks, so please keep looking. We leave for the beach on Tuesday or Wednesday, but I'll write again before we leave and at least a couple of times while we're away. My latest crochet project was completed last night. I tried it on this morning and I have one word for you: ICK! It looks terrible on me! I think I have the "Reverse Midas Touch." Oh well, I can only go up from here, right? Oh, I do hope this is the bottom and there's not more to's my turn to be the windshield!!
***Note about the contest: You CAN submit multiple entries!****
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Cool Weather Crochet Pattern Contest
It can be a pattern that is from a free website, magazine, book, or that would need to be purchased online. If it's a good one, I don't mind spending the money to purchase a pattern. If a picture exists, just provide the link to the pattern in your contest entry/comment. After I get back from the beach, I'll narrow it down to a handful of patterns or by category, depending on the number of entries, and I'll let you decide through a poll!
Now, to the prizes. I've been thinking of this for awhile and here's what I've come up with: The winner will have their choice of 3 prizes.
Choices for First Prize are:
1. Amazon gift certificate for $26 (orders over $25 get free shipping). This is for the non-crocheter or for the crocheter who is wanting a crochet book or anything else they have!
2. A gift card for $25/26 (will they let me do $26?) to Joanne's/Michael's/Hobby Lobby, which ever is closest to you!
3. This one is for all of the out of the U.S. folks, who might be limited in their crochet choices. I'll purchase the yarn (brand and color your choice) equal to $26 dollars, and mail it to you, shipping on me! I'm thinking of those is Aussie, for example, who I've heard complain about the lack of yarn and the cost of what's available. That $26 will go alot farther here!
So, there you are! Happy Hunting!!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Some Beach...Some Where....
I managed to get up at 6:30 this morning and did 3 miles on the treadmill. We are starting a new schedule this week for myself and the children and my day starts with the treadmill or exercise tapes. Unfortunately, my daughter has some type of psychic connection with me and the second I get on the treadmill, she's awake! Well, that's what God invented cribs for! She managed to stay fairly content while I finished up and I even squeezed in a quick shower. Now we are off to swim class for the boys. The afternoon will be taken up with Math lessons (continuing to catch them up) and getting ready for baseball this evening...if it doesn't rain. Happy Monday everyone! Contest information comes tomorrow so be looking for it! I have some good prizes for it!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Fun Day Ahead!
I am doing some super crocheting right now to get my last "beach" project done. Every free moment that I can get a hook in my hand, I will be working on it!
After the beach trip I will make one more summer project for the wedding in August and then I am going to start working on Fall projects. Look for a post soon announcing a contest to find the coolest, most flattering cold weather patterns for me to make. It can be a free pattern or one I would have to purchase. So, start looking!!
I am STILL working on that last inch off my waist before the beach! Over the weekend I will be finishing a couple of cleaning and organizing projects and then I am going to get the exercising is turbo gear! Happy Friday everyone!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Life Is Good...
I have cantor practice tonight and I have no idea what I'll be singing- hope I know a few of the selections! LOL...
I was able to get through a chapter of math for each of my boys while my toddler slept. They are coming along so well in their math and reading now!
Our toddler was sick over the last 2 days and it was horrible! She at one point had a fever of 104.0!!!! It came out of nowhere and left as quick as it showed up without any other symptoms, so we are clueless to what caused the fever other than an un-named virus.
I am back to crocheting and was working on a project last night. If I can get just one more project done before the beach, I will be so pleased!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
I made the mistake of thinking I could give up caffiene cold turkey yesterday. Boy, the headache that I had today was enough to have me running, screaming in the pasture! By 1 p.m., I was sick and felt like I had a tight helmet on my head. After a nap I felt a little better, but decided maybe I need to taper off for the sake of my family's sanity! So I drank about 1 1/2 cups of coffee, headache went mostly away and I think tomorrow I will aim for a little less until I am down to 0 caffiene.
So, I have 2 weeks left to the beach and lots to accomplish in that time. Although I had on a pair of pants this morning that were loose (they were very tight when I bought them!), I still have a long way to go. I aiming for one more inch off my waist before the beach and then 2 inches more before the family wedding at the end of August. If I stay on track, I should be close to my goal by my daughter's second birthday. I'll post pics just before the beach trip for you to see my progress.
By the way, we haven't heard any more information on the hidden camera in the bathroom. Looking to see if there is any news this week. I'll let you know!
Lastly, I haven't been working on any particular project the last few days (I know, get moving!!), but it has been so hard to stay focused! I feel so scattered! I need to get a schedule going for myself and the children. They are working on some academic goals right now- my oldest is very behind in his math and his reading is really improving. My youngest son is advanced in math and wants to read like his brother. I am loving it! A month or so ago, I had to force my oldest to read and now he's begging me to let him stay up and read in bed! They were both excited that they could read in the car! Awesome!
I need to pick one last project to finish before the beach and "get er' done"! I'll look through my graveyard of unfinished projects from the last 5-6 weeks and pick one to get rolling on tomorrow. Hope Father's day was a good one for your family!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Not The Day I Intended!
I have been trying to work on a tunic that I am testing for someone, and I don't think my skills are up to par. I am ripping my work out left and right and at this point I am going to have to email her to tell her I'm not going to be able to complete the project for her. I hate doing that, but there are so many wonderful crocheters out there who would do a much better job for her than me. If you are reading this from crochetville, see the tunic in the pattern testing section.
I have only 20 some days left to the beach and I haven't done anything to prepare as I usually do. It's time to admit that I can't get every crochet project done that I'd like to before the beach. I think I am going to get one top done in the next two weeks and then switch gears to Fall items when I return from vacation.
Please don't give up on me! I'm not done with this challenge yet! I just need to extend my timeline and wardrobe to include the Fall months. There are some wonderful patterns out there to make for a leaner body like I hope to have! My new deadline is my daughter's birthday at the end of September. I am going to have pictures taken of myself and my children for my husband's birthday (in November but I'll do them in early October). I want to wear something I've made (in the picture) looking fantastic in a healthier, leaner, body. Maybe I'll do one picture of just me! I haven't done that in a long time! Come to think of it, most pictures of me, my children are strategically placed in front! Imagine that, a picture of just me. That's a good goal.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Today Was Sheep Shearing Day At Our Homestead!

I'll have more to write tomorrow- it's bedtime for all of our little farmers!
Hot Mama Swimsuit Is Now Available Through E-Patterns!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
I've Got The Plates A Spinnin'
Friday, May 23, 2008
Can You Believe It? , the Forest Heather Mist shade.
I stayed up late last night to finish it and just sewed the shoulder seems together today. Now, on to my next project! Will have details on that tomorrow. Getting on the treadmill now....
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Progress Pictures Taken Today

Monday, May 19, 2008
It's Been Rumored That I Died.....
Nope, I'm still here! The week got busy, the crocheting went slowly, blah, blah, blah....
But I have lots to share!!! First, my plan of "eat better, eat less, move more" is in fact , WORKING! I haven't dared to get on the scale, but the inches continue to move down. I took my measurements on Sunday morning and so far
I have lost (since January):
Waist: 3 1/2 inches
Hips: 1 1/2 inches
Under bra: 1 1/2 inches
Arms: 1/3 inch
Thighs are freakish: 1 inch off of right and little to nothing on left...What?????But that's what the records say!
A great deal of that progress has occurred in the last 2 weeks. I'm not going to write about what I'm doing specifically until I see more progress, but I'm not doing anything like cutting out complete food groups. I meant to post a pic of me, but didn't get to it. I'll make sure to get a pic of me next weekend.
I am posting pics of my two latest projects. The first is the long awaited Upsy Daisy Poncho. I have pictured it on top of a white tank top, which is probably how I'll wear it at the beach. Love, Love, Love it!!
The second project is kind of a surprise. I made an extra large version of 's Quahog Beach Bag, which is a free pattern. I am horrible at putting in liners into purses, as I have discovered! I'm kind of pressed for time (exercise calls), so I'll post the pic of the bag and details about yarn used, etc. later on tonight after the children are in bed.
I'll also reveal my next project which is already in the works. I'll give you a hint, it's from Amy Swenson's Sensual Crochet.
******Update: As you can see, I finally got the pictures of the beach bag loaded onto the blog. The yarn used for the bag come from Lily Sugar and Cream. I'm missing the yarn wrappers, but the colors are from their new Confectioners line. I lucked out and found this wonderful fabric for the liner. They look perfect together!
The Poncho was done in Paton's Grace yarn, blush and a brown (I think labeled tan but it's a very rich brown). If you decide to give this pattern a try, I highly recommend the Grace yarn for both beauty and price. They have some great colors!
So my next project....I actually started it on Friday. I am doing (insert drum roll here): the Trellis Boatneck Shell from Amy Swenson's Sensual Crochet. I love every design in this book and if you're looking to find hip, wonderful patterns, she's your gal. Here's the link to her book on Amazon.
There, you will be able to look at 11 images from the book. The Trellis Boatneck Shell is image #5 (purple). Obviously, a tank top will be worn underneath! I'd love to post a pic from the book on my blog, but without having spoken to the designer first, I don't feel comfortable doing it. The yarn I am using is Bernat Satin in the Forest Mist Heather (deep loden green). It is going to look fantastic with a white or brown tank and cacky shorts! I hope to have it done by the end of the week so I can get to my next project.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Crocheting in Slow Gear!
On the diet/exercise front, my husband suggested the other day that I don't lack effort, I lack consistency and he is right. I keep looking at what others are doing and am so fretful that what I'm doing won't work, that I don't stick with anything long enough to form a good opinion. I've been trying to do my own thing and am trying to be like a horse with blinders on-stay focused on what I need to do and not worry about what others are doing. I rarely buy exercise or diet magazines for that very reason. There's always some new plan they are touting and I can get easily distracted.
I still plan to take pics of myself this weekend, which is definately an incentive to keep moving and eating well. I guess I'm in a weird stage- nothing to report or show for my efforts yet, but stay tuned! I'm working towards a goal and I am determined to get there!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mothers Day!!
I was up until 1 am last night working on the Upsy Daisy Poncho. Thanks Cindy for clarifying the directions for me. I forgot about the fringe that goes on it, so I'll need to work on that tomorrow evening. The shawl for my aunt is complete- decided against fringe for it, so it's ready to be photographed and given to her.
The beach bag I am working on is almost done. I am putting the liner in right now and should have it done tomorrow evening. I ended up doing alot of ripping out of yarn the last few days, but I think it's going to look awesome!
This is going to be a tremendously busy week, but with the house in good shape (thanks to rain keeping us inside and working on the house instead of the farm), I think staying on top of things should be easier than the past few weeks. I have plenty of healthy meal choices in the house and I am ready to go! As soon as I post pics of my finished projects, I'll show you what I am working on next! Happy Mothers Day!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
And The Beat Goes On....
The last few days have been VERY busy and I have been watching what I eat and exercising. By the way, the treasure left in the DVD/VCR was a pen cap. So the VCR portion no longer works, but my DH got the DVD part working so I can still use my DVDs to exercise.
I'm waiting for some extra instruction to finish the Upsy Daisy Poncho, but in the meantime, I decided to work on a beach bag. I am going to get some fabric tomorrow from Hobby Lobby when I go to see my Papa and then I should have it done by Wednesday to post pics of it as well as a link to the pattern.
I am planning a super agressive week for exercise and diet. I'm on the attack! Ha! I'll be doing cardio and toning everyday as well as extra walking at the ballpark when possible.
My next scheduled time to cantor is May 18th so I thought that might be a good time to take some new progress pictures. So look for them that Sunday or Monday morning.
I am SOSOSOSOSOSO much better now that I am concentrating on the routine and not the scale. I'm trying to take it week by week and upping my performance each week based on how I did the previous week. When I was trying to deliver my first child, I did much better with handling labor and pushing when I concentrated on what I needed to do and not the labor contraction monitor. Ok, so the fact that I had to have a c-section after 2 1/2 hrs. of pushing is probably not making this a good analogy, but you get the point :)
The beach trip is fast approaching and I have very little from my dream list made, so I need to really step up the work! I know I won't be at my goal weight then, but I am looking for progress and our family still has a big wedding at the end of August to give me incentive. And you know, it's really ok if I have to extend my timeline. It's not about when it happens, it's that it actually DOES happen. I told a good friend this week that I can't reach my goal size and still weigh what I do, so at some point the scale will need to catch up, and I can't control that. But I can exercise, eat less, and eat better.
I'm going to get moving so I get my chores done and have time to walk this afternoon.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Deciding My Next Project
I am also finishing a double petal shawl, also from Cindy Kamps. She has such wonderful pieces to crochet! My Aunt's church is doing a fundraiser/relay for the American Cancer Society this June in honor of their pastor's wife who died of cancer last year. Their symbol is butterflies, particularly purple ones, so I am making a tan colored shawl and will attach lavender butterflies. I think I'm also going to make a few baby/child sized ponchos for them to sell as well.
I was certain of what project I wanted to make next, and now I can't make up my mind. Too many beautiful patterns out there! I do have a few things lined up to make, but want to do something next that is very simple and quick. I'm open to suggestions! I might do a poll with pictures to see what you think the next project should be. Feel free to send me a link to a pattern in the comments and I'll take a look!
On the weight-loss effort front, I'm still staying on track. Our DVD player in the family room had a visit from our daughter yesterday, and now it won't work! So the treadmill and free weights will have to be my routine until we either retrieve whatever treasure she placed within the DVD player, or we purchase a new one.
My DSIL gave us their DVD player recently and we have it in the new den (read: place where children are not to visit), but we really need the one in the family room because it's a DVD/VCR combo and we still use the VCR part often.
I have to tell you about yesterday. We went to visit Papa and he encouraged our daughter to drink from a straw for the first time! She ended up drinking most of his juice! She then came home and successfully climbed onto a kitchen chair (also a first). I found her going through her 6 yr. brother's homework. She's growing so fast!
There was a sock-hop at the nursing home yesterday (after we left) and Mom said that Papa danced with her twice! Papa and my Grandmother once took dancing lessons and he is quite good. I was so happy to hear that he danced!
One blessing from this time in our family's life is that for the first time in a very long time we are all (well, almost all) united as a family in a common goal- to make the most of this time we have with Papa while he still remembers us and to make him as happy and comfortable as possible. My Mom and Aunt visit daily, as well as my Dad and Uncle, and other family members visit as often as they can. There really will come a time when we look back on these days as golden, and Papa, whether he realizes it or not, has given his family back a precious gift we had lost, namely, each other.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Feelin' Groovy....
But I knew I needed to get in my exercise before I left or it wouldn't get done, and hey, I did it (and I might get electrocuted for sweating on my keyboard). There's another practice tonight so I am going to walk then, but it's a bonus. I don't want to rely on those walks because they can get easily cancelled.
I forgot to mention in my last post that I sang again in Church this past Sunday. I think I did well, but you know the second you think you're a rock star, you really realize you're so NOT one. At one point I looked for my family to see their reaction and they were all in the "cry" room, my husband watching our now 19 month old daughter and talking away to someone, and my boys had their backs to me, watching their sister play with another toddler. Gee, I am just sooooo impressive aren't I? Opera star, I am not. I did mess up during one song and actually giggled at myself. No one seem to notice, but I did. We always notice our screw ups, don't we? Oh well, no one cared, especially not me. I'm not there to receive praise, but to give praise to God. Plain and simple.
I need to hit the showers, but I have to say I am LOVING not getting on the scale. I am just focusing on eating less, eating better and moving more with a little less carbs and more water. If it works, I'm writing a book called "Don't Buy Me, You Can Figure This Out For Yourself."
Saturday, April 26, 2008
What I Know...
I am NOT meant to weigh myself weekly and then face the results of that number with others watching and THEN go sit in a chair and listen to how others lost several pounds in the last week, while I'm just trying real hard to stare at the floor without crying.
Just the thought of getting in my car on Monday to go to the weigh in makes me sick and I have found myself at least 3 times in the last 24 hours, mess up my eating because this growing voice inside me says " it doesn't matter". I keep fighting that voice, but you know, right now, the voice has evidence to back it up, so it makes it hard to argue with it.
I also know that I just don't have time to waste trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong or that I need to just stick in out for sometime and I'll start to see results. I am so sick of this being the end all and be all of my day. I am willing to work hard, but I need to see the payoff. Would you show up to a job and work hard only to have your boss not pay you, but promise to pay you in the future and then several weeks later, you still haven't been paid? How long would you last?
I just can't face Monday. Everytime I think about it, I cringe. I know that no matter how hard I work, or how well I eat, the chances of seeing a good result are close to nothing. The chances of me crying in the parking lot are a WAY lot better.
So, what do I do? Part of me really just wants to set simple eating goals, with less carbs, and do lots of cardio and see how it goes. No points, just eat less, eat better, and move more. And I really don't want to look at the scale for awhile nor sit in room with people all excited about their success while I try desparately to hold it together. I want to just look at inches lost and how much energy I've gained and the heck with that @*&(^%!!! scale. I've wasted half the week trying to get over Monday only to find myself ruining the last 2 days fearing that all my efforts don't matter anyway.
I tell you, I don't know what I'm going to do, but I can tell you that I won't be there on Monday. I'll be on my treadmill or doing my Biggest Loser DVD. I won't be defeated by a number. My success is not going to be determined by a number beneath my feet.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
A Quick Update on Papa
I was SO DARN ANGRY this evening that I hate to report that I blew off my eating plan. Not a good excuse, I know. Did you ever feel so powerless that it ate at you until you had to eat? That was me today. I don't want to say too much regarding family matters, but my grandmother is being a VERY difficult person to love right now. I did something this afternoon, I never thought I'd do: I stood up to her. You know, when you take that vow to love someone in sickness and in health, it doesn't just mean YOUR health. It means your SPOUSE! I know I'm not the only one angry about this in our family, and I don't see them eating themselves into oblivion, so I have to figure out a way to give it to God and not my stomach, because I'm pretty sure my stomach isn't in control, as much as it feels like it is sometimes.
I am going to make a to do list for tomorrow, keeping it short and including exercise, and then get to bed. Tomorrow is another day. I once told a good friend to concentrate on those things you can control and influence. My home, my body, my attitude, these are all things I can control and influence, so that is where I have to give my focus. I need to get back to the basics of what I want and what I need to do for myself and family and stop worrying about things not of my doing or control. It all sounds good, but can I do it?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
You Saved Me From Cheating Tonight!!
I was just about to say what the heck and eat extra food when I sat down to check out the blog. You're kind words really saved the day. Wow! But reading that I'm not the only one struggling really made me say, "give it some time, get your crochet out and see if that hunger isn't really boredom". Ok, so I'm still hungry, but I'm less tempted :)
I wanted to ask all of you to please keep my Papa in your prayers. He is having a pace maker put in tomorrow afternoon and his pulse (as low as 33 today) is a real concern to our family. He's a truly great man- I wish I could tell you his full story, but there might be little eyes reading over your shoulder and Papa would never want them to know...I'll just say that Papa is someone specially chosen by God to give joy to children, for a few weeks out of the year, and has done so for over 30 years, or at least until his illness became to much. I'll let you think on that one and I'll bet you can guess what I am talking about.
Papa was not really treated well as a child. His father died when he was 10 and his Mom remarried a man who was mean to him. His mother was not an affectionate woman to her children and that's about the kindest I've heard it described to me.
He went to live with an aunt and uncle when he was 13 and according to the family, he fibbed about his age to join the Navy when he was 16 or 17. During his tour on an LST in WWII, a Japanese plane took aim on his ship and at the last minute, turned on the ship next to them. It was the SS John Burke. There were no survivors. Check out this web site for the story. If you read the journal provided, you'll see Papa's ship, the LST 751
Papa hadn't finished high school and so when I was a child, he went back for his diploma. I still remember the party we had. I guess he wanted us to see him finish his education. By then, he already had his "special job" and had visited hundreds of children at that time of year when children most need the joy only he could provide. It was very special if you were asked to go along with him as his assistant. I got to go a couple times. Ok, I'm going to stop before I get electrocuted from crying on my keyboard. Pray for him. Will write on his progress tomorrow evening. Thanks again and I promise I won't go grab a cookie now!
Monday, April 21, 2008
I'm Just Wallowing in Self-Pity Over Here...
So there I am sobbing, and I do mean, pour your heart out sobbing, into to the phone to my wonderful husband in the Weight Watchers parking lot. "Why can't I lose this weight?" Gosh, the moment is still so raw for me that I can't go back to it to tell you about it now. Just overwhelming, no, more like drowning. Yea, that's the word, drowning. I'm drowning in this weight and it doesn't matter how many life preservers get thrown to me, I can't escape. But to add to it, I'm watching others grab their life preserver and go and there I am, trying and nothing happens. I keep looking at the pictures I've posted. I think I look a little better, but to find myself almost at the end of April and still waiting to see consistent weight loss- it's just heart wrenching.
I don't know what to do other than to keep going. I don't know what it's going to take to make this weight go. Maybe I could just cry it all out of me? Do tears weigh 60 pounds?
Saturday, April 19, 2008
How Am I Doing So Far?

A Better Saturday Than Usual
Last night I worked on the Upsy Daisy Poncho and have only one night's worth of work left to do on it. It's going to be so darn pretty!
We are having awesome weather today so we are going to grill dinner, which should help me keep my diet in check. I am getting nervous about Monday's weigh in. I don't want to expect any big number, but I hope to see the scale continue to move downward.
Two people stopped me yesterday to say nice things about my cantoring last week. Boy, does that make my day! My 18 month old daughter is beating up on her 6 year old brother so I need to break that up before he gets hurt! :)
Friday, April 18, 2008
Is That A Sniffle I Hear?
Last night was crazy! Luckily, I got on the treadmill in the morning. After school I took my brood shopping for new baseball helmets, bats, and shoes. Not cheap, let me tell you! Anyway, we got home with 1 1/2 hrs left to eat dinner and do homework before my youngest son's practice scheduled for 6 pm. I discovered a message waiting for me that the coach of my oldest son had decided to call an impromptu practice at 7 pm! Suddenly, I was racing around trying to get everybody fed, homework done, equipment and water bottle ready to go. I hope these last minute practices are a rarity this season.
So I took our youngest son to his practice with our 18 month old and my husband took our oldest to his- 2 different parks, a couple of miles from each other. I was able to get in another 20 min. of walking, pushing the stroller over gravel and a good incline. But our daughter was ready to go home at 6:30 and was pretty much a crying mess for the next hour.
Our children go to bed at 8 pm, so practices that end at 7:30 and 8 are really hard on them. My oldest has a practice on Tuesdays from 8-9 pm!! He's only 9 for crying out loud! I spoke to the coach's wife about it and said that until school was out we would have to miss that one and she and her husband are very understanding about it.
Today will be busy but it's such a beautiful day! I'm going to get on the treadmill this morning and try another resistance tape as well. My oldest has practice again tonight (I know, crazy) at 6 pm. I'm going to walk with the stroller again, but I count it as a bonus and not as my cardio for the day.
I worked on the poncho again last night. I am close to done, folks! Woohoo, it's about time!
I can't wait to show you what my next 2 projects are going to be. They are quite cool and those from crochetville will definately recognize one of them!
I have the yarn already for one of them, but the other I plan to use some very exquisite yarn, but I can do it. I have been faithful to my diet, and am seeing progress! Next weigh-in is on Monday.
I'll post a pic of the poncho and the next project in the next few days. Maybe with Monday's weigh-in results.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Singing For Papa
So, my mom asked me to sing for Papa and before I knew it, we were singing all of the old songs and a few times, I forgot the words and Papa remembered them! It was as if we were able to reach a piece of the old Tom, if only for a few minutes.
My mom was crying, I was crying, we think Papa was crying, heck, his room mate was crying! I promised Papa I would practice some more songs and come back next week to sing them for him.
It's becoming so much more real now. We are slowly losing him and at some point we are going to look back on these past months as our last golden moments with him and I intend to make the most of every moment with him that I can.
One thing, and I hate to say this out loud, but I'm really troubled that I didn't ever do the one thing he wanted. He always wanted me to "make it big". At one point, he was actually encouraging me to quit college to make a go of it. I never did, but I would LOVE to give him that- me singing with the big stars. Just one song. I might sound terrible, but to him, it would be great. That's the neat thing about Papas. They always see you way better than you actually are. I know, not going to happen, but just to see his face, with me up there on stage, dedicating a song to him, and he, still knowing who I am, and knowing that I did it would be awesome. A girl can dream, can't she? Anyone out there know Trace, Gretchen, or Brad? I'm just saying....:)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Hey Look, I'm a Widget or Blidget, or is that Gidget?
Sunday, April 13, 2008
I So Rocked the Church!!!
- My sons didn't hide under the pews (actually my 9 year old was shaking his arm in the air at one point)
- I didn't drop the music book (though I did put the microphone back incorrectly before Mass, and it dropped onto the podium as the lady before me made bad..)
- I didn't cough into the microphone loudly between verses, causing me to miss the first few words of the next verse (had nightmares about that one)
- Those who were taping Mass because their child was receiving First Communion didn't turn off their cam corders whenever I opened my mouth.
- Lady sitting in first row with hearing aid didn't turn it off (I saw the cord coming from her ear and watched her through out the mass!)
- Didn't see fellow parishoners make snarky looks at each other as I sang.
Ok, so essentially, as long as I showed up wearing appropriate clothing and wasn't booed from the podium, I can fairly say:
"I So Rocked the Church!"
I really enjoyed myself and have to say I loved seeing my boys so proud of their Mama. Both have talked about it all day. My parents came to hear me as well, which was really nice, except I get nervous around my Mom. Don't get me wrong, she's my biggest cheerleader, but her enthusiasm freaks me out sometimes and today was definately one of those times.
We went to Cracker Barrel, otherwise known as the cemetery where your entire daily intake of Weight Watcher points go to die a delicious, but very regretful death. I did pretty well. Under 10 points according to the tracker computer they have online. I had to get up and move though when my youngest son left almost a whole plateful of blueberry pancakes next to me...and that bowl of whipped cream just sitting there...calling me...Evil I know your name and it is called "my children's cast offs"!!! Why do we eat what our children won't? Have you ever seen plates left by other people at restaraunts? You'd sooner give birth without medication then eat from that plate, so why do we do it when it's from our children's plates? Are we trash cans? I say NO!!! I am not a human trash can!!
Wish me luck for tomorrow's weigh-in!!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Let the Good Times Roll....
I'm having a pretty good day, as you can probably guess. I was pondering this past week and have a few observations. First, I think I have told pretty much anyone within the tri-county area that I have joined Weight Watchers, which somehow makes me feel more serious about my weight loss efforts.
Second, the closet eating has stopped. It doesn't matter when I eat, only how many points and staying within my allotted points. So I can eat at 11 pm if I want to, I just have to save a few points during the day for it. There's alot less guilt involved! Now, if I could just stop my closet shopping....Does your closet floor look like mine, essentially a dart board from all of my Target bags? If it's not one thing, it's another!!
Lastly, I have some really good friends and family members who have been very encouraging not just of my weight loss efforts, but in following my heart. It feels good to be thinking about how I see things for myself and family, along with husband. Sometimes I think I spend too much time on the sidelines being a cheerleader, and not a coach. It's nice to be a coach (except for getting Gatorade thrown on your head). If my 9 year old reads that, I'm doomed.
Wish me luck on Sunday that I don't completely mess up Cantoring!
***Update: Just discovered that the daughter of a good friend is receiving First Communion during the mass I am cantoring...feel no pressure...oh man, just realized: since it's a 1st communion, someone's bound to film it! Yikes, Evidence of the crime !!***